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List of CD by utilization > Energy, Vitality

Energy, Vitality

The brain-stimulating relaxation and meditation music CDs that will help increase your energy and vitality. Scientifically based and clinically proven audio technology Hemi-Sync®, that uses binaural beats to a better mind-body connection. Many therapists, doctors, educators and other professionals using Hemi-Sync® extensively.

Tune-Up CD

Tune-Up CD - show product detail

Reinforce your body's natural ability to normalize its functioning. Speed recovery from illness, injury, or surgery.…

Price: $ 15,86 Download Detail

Vision Quest CD

Vision Quest CD - show product detail

You have entered the Sacred Circle and are surrounded by tribal elders as your vision quest begins…Spiritual drumming…

Price: $ 15,86 Download Detail

Your Hearts Song CD

Your Hearts Song CD - show product detail

Obtain a greater sense of yourself and your life's purpose, live more gracefully and fearlessly, and radiate love as…

Price: $ 15,86 Download Detail

Wisdom of the Heart CD

Wisdom of the Heart CD - show product detail

Based on his critically acclaimed series Ambiology, Grammy award winner Barry Goldstein has compiled the most conducive…

Price: $ 15,86 Download Detail

List by utilization

New relaxation CD

Celestial Meditation CD

Celestial Meditation CD - show product detail

Experience profound meditative states with the deep space music of Jonn Serrie and Hemi-Sync®.

Price: $ 15,86 Download

Destination: Higher Self CD

Destination: Higher Self CD - show product detail

Learn to become spiritually self-empowered and prepare for an enlightened transition.

Price: $ 19,83 Download

Medicine Work CD

Medicine Work CD - show product detail

A powerful shamanic musical journey to deep inner worlds with Byron Metcalf and Rob Thomas.

Price: $ 15,86 Download

Authors & performers